Tuesday, November 27, 2012


What is a foster home?
Foster parents provide temporary homes for dogs prior to their adoption. Providing foster care is a wonderful and personal way to contribute to saving the lives of homeless dogs.
Why do dogs need foster care?
There are several reasons:
  • Foster care can save a dogs life.
  •  Dogs in a foster home are more relaxed and happy and therefore more easily adopted.
  • Puppies that need to be nursed and fed need foster care to thrive.
  • Dogs need a quiet, safe place to recover after a spay/neuter surgery.

Whatever the reason, these dogs need some extra TLC before they can be adopted. Providing foster care for a few days can be a lifesaving gift for a dog.
Would I make a good foster parent?
If you want to do something to help dogs, fostering can be the perfect way. Here’s why:
    It’s more flexible than volunteering that requires you to be at a certain place at a certain time a certain number of hours a week.
It’s a great way to enjoy a pet if you aren’t ready to make a lifetime commitment right now.     Do you want to add a dog to your household but you aren’t sure? Fostering is a great way to find out!
How much time will it take?
The specific needs of the dog will determine how much time is needed. Newborn puppies for example, will take much more time that an adult dog because they have to be fed every few hours. You can discuss your schedule with Lucky Tails to determine what kinds of animals you’ll be best suited to foster.
What about food and medical care?
Lucky Tails provides foster parents with all the food, supplies and medication that their foster needs. However if your dog gets sick or wounded, we have a vet that we will ask you to take your foster to.
But is it fair to the dog?
Some people refuse to foster dogs because they think that it is unfair to take in a dog, establish a bond, and allow the animal to be adopted into their forever home. Isn’t it like a second abandonment? No not at all! Being in a foster home can be a lifesaving step for a shelter dog. It gives the dog a chance to get used to living in a house, and is an opportunity to learn that not all people are mean, food is available and there is a nice warm bed waiting for them. Foster care prepares the dog for living in a home. There is no shortage of dogs that need fosters in Lucky Tails. The more fosters we have, the more dogs we can save!
What about when it’s time to say goodbye?
Giving up an animal you’ve fostered, even to a wonderful home, can be difficult emotionally. Some people like to be there when the pet goes home with the new family. Seeing your foster animal ride off into the sunset will help you remember that he has found a loving home. A lot of foster families keep in touch with the adoptive family throughout the dog’s life. Knowing that you were part of saving this dogs life and finding it a loving home is tremendously rewarding. Sometimes a foster family turns into a forever family. That’s why Lucky Tails is always on the lookout for more fosters!
What about my own pets?
You’ll want to consider how your own pets will adjust to having a foster dog. Some dogs adjust very well and love having a foster pet in the house. Other pets have a harder time with the adjustment and don’t like it when a dog just comes and goes. You’re the best judge of your pet’s personality.
Will I have to find a home for the dog myself?
No! Lucky Tails will take full responsibility for finding a new home, though you can help by telling friends, family members and co-workers about your foster dog. 

If you are interested in fostering one of our Lucky Tails Pups, please fill out our online questionaire and send it to us to get the ball rolling! Fostering at Lucky Tails is very appreciated. A foster dog is a happy dog! 

Lucky Tails Animal Rescue is always looking for foster parents so please can you open your heart and home and foster!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012


My 2nd foster puppy Brownie is here! Brownie is a 2 month old, Labrador Hound mix that was pulled from a kill shelter in Georgia. Brownie loves to be cuddled, loves to play tug of war, and loves to be with kids, cats, and other dogs! Here are some pictures of her:
This is one of her at the shelter. 

This one is in my room.

She is such a great puppy. Brownie needs to find a forever home. Can you open your heart and home and adopt Brownie?
 Go to Lucky Tails Animal Rescue and fill out the adoption application. Lucky Tails Animal Rescue is also always looking for fosters as well.  Save a dog!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dog Events and Cooper!

I am going to be selling cookies at Choice Pets in Danbury 67 Newtown RD from 11-2 on November 17th. Lucky Tails Animal Rescue will be there as well with their adoptable pups! I have had many posts about fostering. My foster Cooper has been with me for 3 days and has found a home already! Here are some pics of him.
This is Cooper chewing on a bone, this is  2nd day we got him.

This is the day that we got him of the transport ( a transport is a truck that carries dogs from location to location)

This is me with Cooper after he came off of the transport!

My other foster, Brownie, was going to come on the same transport but got a cough and she is coming next weekend!